Sep 25, 2007


We found daycare for Baby O! Damon looked into one daycare that was recommended from another person in the school district but they were not taking infants in April. We had the name of a gal from our neighbor and we went to visit with her in her home daycare. She lives in the Shoreline area which will be nice since it will be close to both of our places of work. Her name is Debbie and she watches a lot of teacher's kids. She is very nice, experienced and glows when she talks about the kids she watches. You can tell that she really enjoys what she does and is in tune to each child and where they are developmentally. Damon and I got in the car after our visit with her and Damon said, "Okay, who does she remind you of in about 20 years?" I said, "Becky!" (Our friend Becky that is a teacher in Yakima). Needless to say we discussed that we liked Debbie and called her a few days later to tell her to hold a space for Baby O.

Sep 16, 2007

Nothing new yet

Sorry for the lack of updates. There really hasn't been anything new to report, plus the start of the school year has pretty much consumed my life. We will however be figuring out in 3 weeks the sex of Baby O. But according to the poll (Girls 14 - Boys 11) and the Chinese Lunar Calendar (which I am sure is really scientific), Baby O is destined to be a girl. However check out these kids, particularly the second one, it totally makes anyone want to have a boy!