Oct 8, 2007

Drum roll please.......

It's been a quick five months, except for waiting to find out the sex of Baby O! Well the wait is over and Baby O is going to be a Baby BOY O!!!! We're having a boy!!!! Again, we're having a BOY!!! We all know Susan was hoping for a girl, but she was still pretty excited!! We went to our ultrasound appointment and the guy was really thorough in checking the health of the baby, but at the same time he was taking his sweet ass time getting to the part about the gender (though we did appreciate him taking his time to make sure everything was in good shape). Finally he asked if we wanted to know what "brand" our baby was and then he focused in the Baby O's bits and pieces!! It was awesome. Especially seeing have active HE is! We even got to see a 3/4 view of his face which was amazing! Unfortunately he couldn't get a picture of that, but we have 4 pictures to share below.

Now that we know Baby O is a boy, we should be updating the blog a little more often. There was some down time there for a bit while we played the waiting games. So keep checking back.

Here are the pictures: