Oct 8, 2007

Drum roll please.......

It's been a quick five months, except for waiting to find out the sex of Baby O! Well the wait is over and Baby O is going to be a Baby BOY O!!!! We're having a boy!!!! Again, we're having a BOY!!! We all know Susan was hoping for a girl, but she was still pretty excited!! We went to our ultrasound appointment and the guy was really thorough in checking the health of the baby, but at the same time he was taking his sweet ass time getting to the part about the gender (though we did appreciate him taking his time to make sure everything was in good shape). Finally he asked if we wanted to know what "brand" our baby was and then he focused in the Baby O's bits and pieces!! It was awesome. Especially seeing have active HE is! We even got to see a 3/4 view of his face which was amazing! Unfortunately he couldn't get a picture of that, but we have 4 pictures to share below.

Now that we know Baby O is a boy, we should be updating the blog a little more often. There was some down time there for a bit while we played the waiting games. So keep checking back.

Here are the pictures:


Sid Wray said...

Very happy for you both! I'm sure the guys will go bonkers having a boy around....he'll be playing baseball, football, running marathons or even better...ultras, building treehouses, cycling to visit the grandparents, the list goes on and on! He'll just have to do all that...wearing PINK!

Love, Em & Sid

Sid Wray said...

Sweet, Xiuhcoatl it is!! I can't wait to tell everyone that my friends are having a fire serpent! I just hope that I can hold the little guy without getting burned. :)

Congratulations you two!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! We are so happy for you both to have a cute little boy running around. Can't wait to meet the guy!

Anonymous said...

can he still be named Flossie? I'm kind of partial to that name.

Damon said...

Xiuhcoatl indeed!!! Our son is going to be such a bad ass, walking around, breathing fire and whatnot!! Perhaps Flossie can be the middle name. Xiuhcoatl Flossie Oliveto, not bad at all. Plus we can roast marshmallows on his breathe, the possibilities are endless.

Anonymous said...

The night after we had dinner with you guys, we were watching Jeopardy, and one of the answers was Xiuhcoatl. What a coincidence!!!

Damon said...

That's because Xiuhchoatl rocks. It's no coincidence, it's fate!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, a ultra running, tree house building, cycling, fire breathing baby BOY! No worries Susan, we'll also make sure he is a laundry cleaning, feather dusting, gourtmet cooking genius (all in a pink apron)! We're so excited for you guys!!!!

Steph & John

Damon said...

Plus Steph, I'm sure he'll be a WNBA fan, HA!

Anonymous said...

Think of camping trips with Xiuhcoatl.....s'mores all around with his fire breathing toaster! I think Flossie fits perfect as the middle name. Xiuhcoatl Flossie Oliveto....sounds bold, powerful and slightly scary!

Anonymous said...

um...is slightly scary what we are going for here? he will be the leader of the pack and will need to protect the wee ones in his wake... maybe scary is cool... go little flossie!

Ind3mnity said...

Fire serpents are cool and all but I'm still partial to Rocco and Primo. Be honest, the teacher has all the kids introducing themselves on the first day of class every year, "Hi, my name is Xiuhcoatl." Muffled laughs and snickering across the class and then the teacher has to step in to tell everyone to be quiet and that they should, "learn to respect names from other cultures... no matter how strange they are." Or! Class introductions; "Hi I'm Primo Oliveto." Complete silence falls over the class. The boys realize they have a new master, the girls are curious as to what makes this kid "Primo", and the teacher notes in her book that she'll need to keep a closer eye on this one.

Note that any one of these names will get the latter response as noted above:
