Aug 16, 2007

Leading the girls name suggestions...

Seeing as a majority of people are voting wrong and the girls votes are winning, I figured I might as well post a girls name that has been suggested. So when I first started the blog a few weeks ago, Andrea went to the random name generator link and came up with the name "Flossie." It's an English name and I believe has something to do with mouth hygiene, but none the less a week or so later Hurricane Flossie made headlines (thanks global warming!). Coincidence? I think not! Mother nature and carbon emissions have helped Andrea take the lead in naming Baby O if by the unlikely chance Baby O is a girl. As far as a boys name, Hurricane Dean is making its way through the Caribbean right now, but it doesn't have the same ring as Xiuhcoatl the fire serpent! Here is a picture of Xiuhcoatl I found online. Looks just like his father with the wings and whatnot!

One last note, apparently there is a country for baby names. I couldn't find it on Google Earth though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I am comment no you can not give our baby that name you can't even say it and besides it is going to be a girl i know!!!