Aug 24, 2007

14 weeks down

This is just a quick post. Tomorrow is the 14 week mark, meaning 6 more weeks and then we'll have confirmation that Baby O is a boy! Susan had a doctor's appointment and everything looks great. Her blood work came back fine and there is no sign of down-syndrome. The heartbeat is racing away at 155 beats per minute and Susan is pretty much over her morning sickness. She's still a bit tired, butstill has enough energy to make me do some chores. Here's what Baby O apprently looks right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and Susan!!! We are shocked to hear, I thought you told us "we" would be first...hummmm! I am still waiting for mr. charles to get going!!!! hee hee!

You need to post some pics, so we can see her little belly! We will have to get together for dinner again.

Congrats...Page & Charles