Aug 5, 2007

Start of the new Blog

Well I tried to launch a website for Baby O at, but apparently Google Page Creator does not have comment possibilities. So I'm starting this blog so people can comment on anything they would like (but remember to keep it appropriate, Baby O should be developing ears right about now, and they can burn!). So I'll give this a try, but I'll admit that I'm new to this whole Blog thing so bear with me until I get it figured out. So far though, this seems like it gives you way more control over your webpage. Google Page Creator was pretty user friendly, but pretty limited as to what you can do. Once again here is the Lima bean. We get another ultra sound tomorrow afternoon. Till then...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that this site looks a lot more feminine. Baby Girl O is going to love it!

Damon said...

Whoa, whoa....this is a neutral color, however, it still illuminates testosterone!!

Unknown said...

have to say, i'm thinking this will definitely be a baby girl and she will have her daddy so whipped!

Linda said...

Congratulations on expecting a baby boy! I have the perfect name for him Samusando Oliveto. It's a combination of Susan and Damon. I really think it's cute!!

Really enjoy every moment because when he comes out into the real world you won't have a moment- - - of peace that is!! I can't wait to see him when he arrives. Take care Linda Carol